Well, the spinning argument would work if it were not for the fact that other forces would be acting against those objects. Gravity, for example. If a massive object were tugging on an object that was spinning, and in the opposite direction, then that object might spin the other way. If a star explodes, then the force propelling the particles affected by the explosion will be greater than the force causing those particles to spin, so they could be turned around. Also, evolution doesn't require the Big Bang to have happened. Science doesn't know the details of how all that matter came into being, exactly, because science is not meant to explain why things are, it explains how things are. Perhaps a Creator actually did make all that matter, but the Big Bang is not a necessary part of evolutionary theory, or indeed a part at all.
As for the changes in current living things, here: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14094-bacteria-make-major-evolutionary-shift-in-the-lab/ Say, did you know blue eyes are a product of evolution? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130170343.htm Even cancer is a mutation! And by your logic, we don't see any intelligent designer, so we can't observe or recreate it. "thus it cannot stand up to real scientific scrutiny"