Scare tactics get used too frequently,... on both sides,.. I agree. But the bathroom bill in Canada ( like the bill here) is having terrible issues. Just as an LBGT person may feel uncomfortable,... how about the others who feel uncomfortable with a man in their bathroom? They get equal considerations on feels. Bathrooms are often used for people to "change" clothes too. Canada has an issue with weirdos intentionally going in ladies rooms to "change"... all in the name of being an @ss. I don't know the fair solution,... but it can be an issue that slips out of control. My issue is safety 1st,... and I don't know the % of a population that will use the bill harmlessly,.. as opposed to nefariously as you stated. Sometimes this country rushes into passing bills without the benefit of a study 1st.... and this bill seems to have been rushed through without enough thought. Seems adding an LGBT lavatory option would solve everything. No one has "feels" that can be hurt,... everyone safe... no scare mongering,... problem solved. I know I would come unglued if some butthead took advantage of the bill,... to change and expose himself to my daughter just because he can. When that happens,... I meme from a jail cell. ha ha ha!!!!! There has to be a reasonable middle ground... before it gets forced on everyone. We have already seen what forced legislation does without enough study / preparation. Women who are uncomfortable in a bathroom with strange men have legit feelings too... and we all know pervs will take advantage,.. exposing themselves and doing everything to skirt moral judgement. If I knew that your common sense would be used by all,... I wouldn't have a problem with any of it! =)