The fact that you didn't review the information I provided tells me you just aren't interested in having a real discussion at all. CNN, New York Times, FOX, MSNBC, everyone reporting the same thing, that Clinton did send and recieve classified information, and that according to the law, it makes no difference if the documents were *marked* classified or not. Clinton signed a non-disclosure agreement as part of gaining her security clearance which CLEARLY STATES that sensitive information should be CONSIDERED AND HANDLED AS CLASSIFIED, *EVEN IF NOT MARKED AS SUCH*. Since you refuse to do your own due diligence, here's Joe Scarborough spelling it out for you on MSNBC, "The State Department Inspectors Generals say they found classified material sent TO and FROM Clinton's Chappaqua home banked server, even though they only had acces to a small sample of 40 emails. Of those, they found that 4 contained government secrets. That is, information that if exposed, could potentially harm national security. It's information that is meant to be transferred and stored *exclusively* on secure computer networks with special safeguards. Put in perspective, Hillary Clinton turned in over 30,000 emails she said were 'work related.' Hillary Clinton now claims the documents weren't classified quote "at the time," but again, the inspectors general say they were, EVEN IF THEY WEREN'T MARKED CLASSIFIED. The Obama administration inspectors generals looked at the information in the emails Clinton provided and made a preliminary finding that she WAS AND IS WRONG. They say the information, some from the CIA and some from the NSA was *CLEARLY* CLASSIFIED WHEN IT WAS SENT, AND IT'S CLASSIFIED NOW, AND IT'S *ALWAYS* BEEN CLASSIFIED!!!" What you don't seem to understand is that the information is classified not because it's marked, but because of WHAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINS. The marking is put on BECAUSE IT'S CLASSIFIED, it's not classified BECAUSE OF THE MARKING. Does that make any sense???
New York Times Headline: 22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified To Be Made Public.
You also clearly misinterpreted my comment about "fake liberal media outlets." I wasn't saying they are bad for being liberal, I was saying they *pretend* to be liberal but really aren't. Why do you think they are biased towards Hillary and against Bernie Sanders? She is a republican posing as a democrat. Bernie is a real liberal, certified civil rights activist while Hillary was campaigning for Barry Goldwater.