Prepare yourself for a very thorough explanation.
Imgflip is a point based site, where users create memes to gain points. You can get points by making a meme, commenting with words, commenting with a meme, having someone reply to your comment, getting your comment upvoted, getting featured, getting your meme/memes upvoted, having someone comment on your meme, etc, etc. If your meme is good enough, and you submit it, it will get featured, and other users can see it. You get a bonus 100 points when you get a meme featured. If your featured meme is good enough, it will get front page, the prime spot for your meme to be in, as front page memes usually get 1,000-15,000 views each, and about 90-200 upvotes. Not to mention the comments. Speaking of comments, there are some users, who we call trolls, who will abuse the commenting ability to spread hate. They are usually found on political memes. If you notice one(you can identify them if they use swear words, are in arguments with other users, etc, etc), feel free to report it to me, as I am the Trollinator, and will flame them to death, and if they are not trolls, I will tell you.
People you should know:
Raydog-basically the king of imgflip. He has more points than any other user on this site, and as he gets front page very often, his memes are usually anhotspot for trolls.
Invicta103-most likely the nicest person on this site. He is number three on imgflip.
Socrates-post political and thoughtful memes. Feel free to ask him for advice, as he is a veteran memer.
OlympianProduct, Pezmint, and OctaviaMelody are the more well known, more accepted my little pony fans on this site.
Reallyitsjohn, evilmandoevil, clinkster, lynch1917, and all other users with an advanced looking icon are usually people you can ask for advice.
Gtg, ill explain more later.