Full outfit below:
Shirt: Crop top cut so that it's just a 1.5-inch hoop of fabric. If you're REALLY fat and want to show extra cleavage, then we can further modify it so that there's a 4-inch wide gaping hole in the front. For extra modesty, we recommend those little star things for your nipples. Especially if you're fat.
Pants: Not required, but we recommend a section of rubber fire hose to wrap around your crotch so it can be emphasized. Especially if you're fat. Or hairy. Or both. Let 3-year old children see your gelatinous private parts droop over your equally gelatinous legs.
Shoes: Those REALLY tall boots, unzipped all the way down the side so we can so more of your flesh. Especially if you're fat.
Hat: Completely optional, but one of those hideous French gay hats should round out the outfit. Hehe. Round.