heh heh
That reminds me of someone I knew (R.I.P.) back in the 90s who went to prison for robbery, him and this other Crackhead. What they did was pretty brutal and we were all shocked. So no tears over them going away.
Anyways, I had heard that he appealed, and then the judge ended up actually EXTENDING the sentence, changing it from something like two to seven years. I didn't know such a thing was possible, but that's what I heard. Given what he had done, a longer sentencing justified.
On a good note, after he came out, he went straight and got his life back together, even getting married and having a kid. I hadn't been talking to him due to an incident before the arrest, but eventually I got past that, and all was cool.
Sadly he passed away round 2020, but word was his wife told no one the cause, so not sure why.
Since I no longer live around there I wasn't able to find out from anybody other than the one source I had.
At least he found some happiness in his life before passing on.