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Peace Out at 1:30

199 views Made by icthruu 4 months ago in gifs
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0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Ooh yeah! Olympics! Love that shit!
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
Same here. Do you ski? Love to ski, both snow and water skiing are awesome :)
0 ups, 4mo,
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Yeah man!
0 ups, 4mo,
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Love it!
0 ups, 4mo,
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I been skiing in Pennsylvania man!
0 ups, 4mo,
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I used to have a home there, near Camelback! Lifetime ago
0 ups, 4mo,
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Aw sweet! That's where I bloody went man! Biggest mountains I've EVER seen haha! Poconos lift! Loooooove skiing!
0 ups, 4mo,
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Definitely mountain man territory. Killington is better yet, they have a black diamond trail that has Volkswagen size moguls, crazy shit. I got lost the first time I went up there and took a wrong turn and bam, I was in it and had to go down!

Went to Pico once, but like Killington much much better. So much so I've never returned to Pico.
0 ups, 4mo
Wow man. BLacK diamond?! No way man. O way!
0 ups, 4mo,
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You sound like a fun guy. Have a good night my sweet cowboy
0 ups, 4mo,
3 replies
Thank yuuuu yuuuu tuuuu
0 ups, 4mo,
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You know the Crazy Town song can be changed to cum my baby, cum, cum my baby your my nelius cum make me ahake and go crazy
Nelius short for obvious reasons, needed it to rhyme
Thats over the counter cold medicine talking, not me. I didn't say annnything
0 ups, 4mo
Cornelius. Just got that haga
0 ups, 4mo,
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I love when you do that. It's adorable
0 ups, 4mo
Cornelius Snow limes to cum on and between the mountains
0 ups, 4mo,
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My man, that's awesome! He can (cum) go anywhere he wants to go! Anywhere and everywhere like a snow shower
0 ups, 4mo
Did someone say snow shower? this g got some smooth moves
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
Get out! That is wild. My home was in Mount Pocono, Tobyhanna, Coolbough Township it was ~ 20 minutes from my house. Same here, love it. Vermont is awesome, ever been to Killington? West Coast is more powder and east coast is ... Well, you know. It's a different animal.
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Duuude! Killington! Hell yeah! Nice! Ramshead Lodge! Going there this winter with the guys man!
0 ups, 4mo,
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That's where we always go! I knew you were a good egg :)
Ever go night skiing?
0 ups, 4mo
Aw yeah! That's my shit! The sky man. Full of stars. Beautiful. Never seen so many stars. Looks like a bloody painting. I'm so happy when I'm in the nature. The Earth has so much to offer man.
0 ups, 4mo
West coast skiing sucks haha
0 ups, 4mo,
3 replies
Haha. Love skiing but I'm not good at it. All I do is fall. But it's fun and funny with the mates man. Snow is so soft. Got some up my nose last time! Face planted in the bloody snow. Got up. Skiied some more. Fell on my bum. Third attempt. Fell face foward and rolled face heel face heel face heel a little. Luckily not a steep mountain. Bunny slope. Also. Love riding the ski lift. The view is beautiful.
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
I am a beach girl, born and bred. I knew how to do anything water, moved up North and a friend said, "I'll show you how to ski" just lean back like water skiing and I was on my ass for like nine hours straight! On the damn bunny hill which as you know is flat. Ate so much snow it wasn't funny (,no pun intended 🤭) a little kid came to me when I was down no poles and slid and stopped like a pro athlete of ` 6 years old and he said " are you okay ma'am" I'm like a 23 year old thinking ma'am is for 90 year old ladies and I was like I will get this! We spoke and I told him what my friend said and he said you have to lean forward that is why you keep falling! 🤣🤣🤣 People on the lifts all day with their hands judging my falls like it was an Olympic fail sport 🤣😂🤣 It was hysterical! I like intermediate and just traverse the mountain. Beautiful and the lift is fun 😊
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
Man I love all the nature. Beach. Snow. Mountains. All of it. Earth is beautiful. Ever seen Disney nature films? With the kids maybe? Beautiful. Haha that's crazy! Glad to know I'm not alone man. Snow tastes terrible! Haha. The ma'am kid? Ooh sick burn, talk about salt in the bloody wound! Probably didn't mean anything by it though. He was little! You were a young bird yes but he was a little kid. You were older than him. Perspective,man. Haha yeah. Lift is beautiful man. Then I go in. Hot coffee... Beautiful days. Can't wait for Vermont!
0 ups, 4mo,
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Same here, I think it's in my blood and soul. I own them all. I tell you we keep everyone in business 🤣 They are phenomenal and beautiful! Oh, I know he didn't mean anything by it, but I was like if this little one can do it, I am young and strong and can do it, worst part my friend was messing with me and yanking my chain!
0 ups, 4mo
Beautiful. My favourites are Earth and Oceans. The animal ones are cute but then humanizing the animals are weird? Beautiful to watch them but like human names? Like they're talking about them like they're humans? We don't know what they're thinking. All species are different. But I love the films and watch them all. Earth man. That film is mesmerizing. So much beauty. I like that it shows some of all the range of the Earth. The biomes. Different environments. Life everywhere. The earth. Is so big man. So much beauty. It's like. So many worlds exist coexist in this one planet.
0 ups, 4mo,
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Mine also, and although I always thought it was weird that they name them, that is a new perspective and so true. They're probably thinking I want to throw some poo on those humans over there!
0 ups, 4mo
Haha maybe. But it's not like that man. They set up little hidden cameras. Nobody's bothering the animals. Also. I've been told Tom Blyth has a nice voice. Pretty chill. Do you think he should sign up to try to do the next Disney natrue
0 ups, 4mo,
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Haha, you like Sir Mix a Lot. I'm grateful for your friendship. Vut I can't lie, I went back to Billy and blow the whistle!
0 ups, 4mo
I duuuu
0 ups, 4mo,
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It does. I like the act of feeling my legs actually plowing and grinding in the snow / rock because that's where I learned. The sky up there, the air is so clean you can almost reach the stars!
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
It's beautiful man. I wish I could reach up and grab a. Star. Even just some stardust. Beautiful colours. And give a piece of the night sky to Arianna.
0 ups, 4mo,
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Oh, I know. I see the credits and everything after it's over. I don't think I have heard his actual voice, but what I have heard in the show and movie. I love the sound of his voice. It's a sultry and sexy. Call me crazy. Are they making another one!?
0 ups, 4mo
Sultry and sexy? Haha really? Man don't forget. Tyrannical dictator. And outlaw cowboy. I'm unsure of the details, but Disney's always cooking up something.
0 ups, 4mo,
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Awww, you are one romantic cowboy. I know that people tell me when I'm born or my sign or whatever you call it, that I am a dreamer and romanticize??? I have not a clue about that sort of thing though
0 ups, 4mo
Aw, shucks. I know. I'm not big into the horoscope but I have mates who are.
0 ups, 4mo,
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Never been watetskiing
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That makes me nuts the people who live their lives based on what they read, strange stuff, and why?
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0 ups, 4mo,
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You asked me about his voice. I like how it sounds. I know the character's he has played. I don't know his normal speaking voice. I love the tone of his voice and from what I've heard it's nice. Sue me
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
Aw. That's so kind. Tom Blyth speaks. Describes his dream girl in three words...
0 ups, 4mo,
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Hey, he has a nice voice. It's deep, still sultry and sexy, like a fine whiskey. Very refined and throaty. Shut man, he has a sexy voice is all I can tell you. You heard it, right, you sent it. I like it!
0 ups, 4mo,
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Haha yeah! I can see that I guess.
0 ups, 4mo,
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Listen to it. Maybe if you were a woman you'd get it?!
0 ups, 4mo,
5 replies
Tom Blyth is one sexy fellow
0 ups, 4mo,
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Okay, so what do you think. Btw, he is a grade A MAN!
0 ups, 4mo
0 ups, 4mo,
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How do you know...,? Let me guess because your girlfriend or your Arianna told you so?!
0 ups, 4mo
I just get that vibe from him
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He is sexy to me! I"t's important to me" - Tom Blyth as Billy the Kid
0 ups, 4mo
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0 ups, 4mo
Damn straight
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I get a vibe too, but my vibe is different than yours ;)
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Definitely Disney worthy and phone sex worthy too.
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Phone sex?! Haha oh man... I don't know if he'd be able to pull that off, seems a bit of a shy guy.
0 ups, 4mo,
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I don't know if he is, but the sexy voice. I don't know the man, but all men like to get frisky. Even if it's with the one they love. I'm not saying he should do it. You know how some people have a radio voice...? His is sensual, sexy and I love it 🤷🏻‍♀️
0 ups, 4mo,
10 replies
Think Tom Blyth could play Sadiq? (Scroll down a bit) He's not done anything like this before haha
0 ups, 4mo,
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Okay, read it. I can see him playing that as he's played in what I saw and am currently seeing a strong man / character as in Snow. Even Billy, when he needs to be assertive and he has a quiet strength. But, what the heck do I know. I'm in finance, not movies 😂
0 ups, 4mo
Yeah. He'd do a good job. All this is making me imagine Tom doing sex scenes and the like so I just look to see if there's anything I can imagine him playing
0 ups, 4mo,
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Do you have a man crush on this dude?
Because I am thinking of him in something like that. Even if only in my dreams
0 ups, 4mo
Oui oui baguette. Won't be a dream for long man. ;-)
0 ups, 4mo,
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Ooh, I must have missed that, my bad
0 ups, 4mo
0 ups, 4mo,
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Well color me happy - Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman. Also said every woman ever to that!!!!!
0 ups, 4mo
Pretty woman. Good film. Richard Gere man. American gigolo. Great film. Tom Blyth could do something like that.

Imagine the look on Arianna's face if Tom Blyth does a sex scene??? Win her over for sure
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
Well, if that doesn't drive everyone crazy then I can't imagine what would!
0 ups, 4mo
Blonde Tom Blyth scene mayyyybe? But even if he did it natural. That man has a good body man.
0 ups, 4mo
Tom would have fun with it too. He strikes me as a mountain man da da daaaaa Mountain Man!
0 ups, 4mo,
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The link says expired 😔
0 ups, 4mo
Aw crap.
0 ups, 4mo
Okay, wait a minute. I see it and I'm reading it now. Found it, I'll tell you what I think
0 ups, 4mo
Okay love what they say it will be about. Reading....
0 ups, 4mo,
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Ooh, lead male. That means I get to see a lot of this guy, possibly?!
0 ups, 4mo
Oui oui baguette.
0 ups, 4mo,
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Okay reading all the characters, first thing that stands out. Tom is not black, back to reading
0 ups, 4mo
It says he. An be ambiguous racially
0 ups, 4mo,
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Waterskiing is a blast
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Wouldn't know haha
0 ups, 4mo,
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American Gigolo, definitely a great movie. Richard Gere. Good actor. Seen him in a lot of things. Loved him in Hachi. Loved him in Primal Fear. Just a good actor. Seen him in some movies I really liked. If a sexy guy can't play a sexy role, then I don't know. He went to Julliard! The world is his oyster!
0 ups, 4mo,
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Yeah. Love both of those films as well. Primal Fear. Top 10 greatest films for me. Hey, Gere didn't go to Julliard! He studied in Massachusetts. Dropped out haha
0 ups, 4mo,
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I wasn't finished finished because I am still out and about. I was going to mention Primal Fear, love it! I didn't know that. Wow haha
0 ups, 4mo,
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Ah, gotcha. Enjoy your
0 ups, 4mo,
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I'm done and home now. I was naughty and stopped at a Starbucks to get me something nice and hot. A flat white 😂😃
0 ups, 4mo
Ooh, love flat whites!
0 ups, 4mo,
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Listen, F***k blonde Tom Blyth, except when they shaved his head / without the wig in the movie. Tom Blyth as he is!!!
0 ups, 4mo,
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Arianna might beg to differ
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I don't think so my friend. She probably just saw him like that and that's her first time seeing him maybe. I know it was mine. Imagine if she would have seen him in the show!!!?!!!
0 ups, 4mo,
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She should watch the show.
0 ups, 4mo,
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She should. Maybe her friends have seen it? How can one tell her to check it out, maybe she is watching it, who knows? It would be interesting because she definitely has feelings for him the actor as is evident in the drawing of Mr. Snow.
And she probably drew him not knowing what he looks like IRL or also the show. Who knows. Had she drawn Billy or Tom yet?
0 ups, 4mo
Niece watches it. I hope you're right man. Sadly non.
0 ups, 4mo,
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They are a classic!
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Pumpkin spice latte.
0 ups, 4mo,
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That's a good one. I love pumpkin pie as well 😋
0 ups, 4mo
Pumpkin spice everything man.
0 ups, 4mo
🤣🤣🤣 that is me with an everything bagel!
0 ups, 4mo,
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And yes, he has a smoking hot body from what I can see! 😜
0 ups, 4mo,
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Damn straight
0 ups, 4mo,
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Niece has good taste! Oh, I can't wait to see it, if she does. It would be quite telling.
0 ups, 4mo,
5 replies
Ah yes. It will be spectacular.
0 ups, 4mo
Dobyou know what is wrong with those little videos...
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
They're to damn short! Hella good man, that Tom Blyth, sexy as hell!!!!!
0 ups, 4mo
Haha we can go longer! We can go as long as Tom himself .
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Thatvis simply put. Beautiful.
0 ups, 4mo
0 ups, 4mo,
3 replies
Party in da house with your friend David? No new songs ;)
0 ups, 4mo
You asked for it man! Blyth song!

Tom Tom Blyth man he a real G,
From the UK streets, flexin’ like a spree.
Rollin’ with the crew, ain't no time for slack,
Got the heart of a thug, ain't no lookin' back.

Ballin' on the grind, got that hustle tight,
In the spotlight shine, yeah, we livin' right.
Arianna on my side, if she down to ride,
Tommy in the game, ain’t no need to hide.

Got the swagger of a king, never playin' weak,
Every line I spit, got that vicious streak.
Ain't no actor’s role, this a real-life thing,
From the stages to the streets, hear the praises ring.

NY vibes, yeah, I'm feelin’ that heat,
Thuggin’ in the booth, bringin’ rhymes to the beat.
I’m ballin’, I’m rollin’, like I’m on the track,
Tom Blyth real G, and there ain't no lack.

Straight outta London, but I got that fire,
Killing every verse, take the game up higher.

A villain in the screen, but a star in the scene,
Fist up to the struggle, yeah, we ready to fight.
Tom Tom Blyth, man, you know how he be,
Real G in the scene, just respect my spree.
0 ups, 4mo
Snow be gangsta.
0 ups, 4mo
Didn't need his help tonight! Still friends though man, I can call him up if you wanna good rap. For the first time since this workout hell I was able to put the tiger stuff on myself! Calves are killing me today, lower back, abs... But I did it, man. Bravo for me. *Claps* Still sore, but I got this in the bag.
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
So, was that you or are you and David trying to get a recording contract?
That's good for two fly guys or one. I was singing it aloud and it made me smile. You really like that girl. Or you want her to be with Tom...? In any case, imagine if he knew about any of this crazy shit, man... :)
0 ups, 4mo
David is a real g man! No we're not singers. Haha. Hey thanks that's awesome. I Love Arianna with all that I am yeah I do yes sirree Bob I bloody do man! Tom Blyth man. He'd love her to bits. Beautiful people in love with each other. He'd care for her. Adore her. Love her. Tom would just smile at all this. He's a chill bloke. He'd want to meet Arianna. Love her. Tell her he loves herm give her stardust. Take her to the beach. Kiss her softly if she'd wish. Respect her if she wishes to take it slow. Respect her no matter what she desires. Care for her. Buy her diamonds. Take her to Manhattan. Christmas shopping. Christmas tree. Mistletoe. Wrap her in his coat if she's chilly. Hold her closem love her tender. Be there for her man. Tom Blyth is a real g.
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
Honestly? That's awesome! No, not unless you two were going to hang. I was wondering if he was helping to get you feeling better is all. He seems like a good friend. God bless him too :) My heart goes out to you, really. That's magnificent 👏🏻 You do, you definitely do. I am so happy to hear that you're on an uphill trajectory!
0 ups, 4mo,
5 replies
Yeah man! He's helped a lot man. So have you. I've got a good crew. Feel really good about myself. Thank you for everything. It'll only go up from here (even though there's still some workouts I haven't done yet that seems scary as hell!)
0 ups, 4mo,
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Virgin mobile!
0 ups, 4mo,
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It was the Wild Higs movie = man boobs noooooo! It was a funny movie, not Chris Rock funnyblike in Down to Earth.

Oh, yes. I'm fine, I used a little extra weight is all and I'm sure that bumping back against the door didn't help either. Maybe that's when I should have known I might be coming down with a cold, but the soup hit the spot, coffee check, doing laundry check. Everyone had a good dinner. There was stuffed cabbage, which I really like now and then, but my family hates cabbage. All of them?! I am Supermom! What parent isn't though 😂
0 ups, 4mo
Haven't seen that film. Oh, glad to hear it. Glad you're doing better. You really are super.
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
That is good to hear! Youvhave a great village of people. I didn’t do anything, but thank you nonetheless. That's the only way to go, up. Oh, just be careful and safe. I'm sorry!
0 ups, 4mo
I do. Thanks. Oui. You underestimate yourself. You gave me the tiger stuff saved my life. You tell me kind words. You're a good friend. Comfort. Sweet woman. Love you like a mum. You've done everything.
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Glad it's a lower dose and your doing better.
0 ups, 4mo
Thanks man.
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
That's random. Arecyou sure you're nit on any meds?! A moooooman, now you want to be milked, with those udders from another budder. Man boobs, it's a thing. Nasty shit! Seen it in movies
0 ups, 4mo
Just the pain stuff man. Lower dose than before though. Trying to jump the hump. Get jiggy with it. Haha no man that's not what I meant!
0 ups, 4mo,
18 replies
And I'm bloody exhausted
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1 reply
Well, definitely a Mets fan will milk you they'll try to milk anything and anyone because they just want something so badly!
0 ups, 4mo
Oof sick burn. Yankees want something bad too. Know what it is? The win they'll never get they ain't snow. They don't land on top
0 ups, 4mo
Nope, but I wouldn't mind. Love the snow, love the pun 😜
0 ups, 4mo,
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Of course they are, what else is there?
0 ups, 4mo
Me and arianna
0 ups, 4mo,
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Just happy youbare doing better, day by day.
0 ups, 4mo
Me too man me too
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
You are right. 7.5 is tight, wish I had me some snow tonight!
That's my attempt at rapping 😂
0 ups, 4mo
Guess there's a slim shady in all of us
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2 replies
I believe it. You wouldn't be human if you weren't
0 ups, 4mo
Being human sometimes sucks I wish I was a cow eating grass in a field. No workout no Jamie no airplane just moooooooooo man.
0 ups, 4mo
And If I were a cow I could be milked.
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
I know, I know exactly what you meant! Just messing with you. I likevto keep you on your toes ;)
0 ups, 4mo
Haha same here. YANKEES SUCK!
0 ups, 4mo
I recently attended a baseball game at Yankee Stadium. As I sat in the bleachers, I noticed a die-hard Yankees fan boasting about their team's greatness to anyone who would listen. She went on and on about their history, their 27 bloody championships, and their legendary players. Just when she was about to make her final point, a seagull swooped down and stole her bloody Yankee hat right off her head. As the crowd erupted in laughter, the woman stood there in shock. After a moment of silence, I couldn't help but yell out, 'Well, even the birds know the truth...

0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
You are a funny cowboy and let me tell you in all honesty. That now, they do suck. I will share a secret with you
Back in the day, they were the shit! Nowadays they are shit!
I told you that I call itvlike it is. They suck@
0 ups, 4mo
Oui oui baguette.
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Why is that a thing?! That's hysterical! You'll be watching them mountains go down, down, down
0 ups, 4mo
For beautiful mountainous women
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Man, you are on a roll!
0 ups, 4mo
Oui oui baguette
0 ups, 4mo,
3 replies
That won't get you milked by anyone. haha
0 ups, 4mo
Not even a beautiful Mets fan?
0 ups, 4mo
I was at a bar the other night, and the topic of baseball came up. The guy next to me started going on and on about how the Yankees are the greatest team of all time. He was so convinced that he even bet his friend $100 that the Yankees would win the World Series this year. A few minutes later, his friend received a notification on his phone and started laughing. He turned to the guy and said, 'Hey man, looks like you owe me $100!' Confused, the guy asked what happened. His friend showed him the message - it was a notification from a sports app that read 'Breaking News:

0 ups, 4mo
I was at a comedy show the other night, and the comedian decided to tell a joke about baseball. He started off by saying, 'You know, I used to be a big fan of the Yankees... until I realized they have a secret talent for disappointing their fans!' The audience chuckled, and the comedian continued, 'I mean, I've seen better fielding in a Little League game than in a Yankees game!' The crowd started to warm up to the joke, and just when everyone was expecting a twist, the comedian delivered the punchline with perfect timing, 'So remember, folks, when it comes to baseball, there's one undeniable truth...

0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
I can tell you a joke, here's one to ponder. Are youvalonevor with your friend. You may have to phone a friend for help. If you can't guess it.
0 ups, 4mo
Yankee joke?
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1 reply
Honestly, it was by happenstance. Can't take the credit. It's what I was thinking and as I was writing it, realized it rhymed and I smiled.
0 ups, 4mo
Aw. That's lovely.
0 ups, 4mo,
2 replies
Yes, you do. And it's important to surround yourself with good people. You are too kind. You would have gotten something I am sure. It's definitely good stuff. I overworked my back had some pain above and in my and put some on last night. Hate the smell, love the results. You are so sweet, and I love you like a son. You've done the same for mecwith your kind words and heart 🤍
0 ups, 4mo
Thank yuuuu :-) Ah no! That sucks. Hope your back is alright man. Thank you so kindly. You are a beautiful soul.
0 ups, 4mo
Hey. Man. If a girl can't go out any other way but this I don't want her
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Shit, I give you an inch, and you took a mile. Screw that I gave you everything and you do me like that that's low and funny as hell
0 ups, 4mo
Who wants an inch when you want 7 Point Bloody 5
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Well, I don't feel it snowing. By the way, isn't that a great freaking line or what!
0 ups, 4mo
Feel the snow cum down on yuuuu
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What do you call a nun in a wheelchair?
0 ups, 4mo
Hit by a stray ball by the Yankee who SUCKED
0 ups, 4mo,
1 reply
Hmmm, you make a good point.
0 ups, 4mo
Oui oui 7?5 inch baguette.
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