I mean to be honest I could go on a whole tangent about how bread is an incredibly hilarious food.
Like seriously how did we get such fascinating food from the idea of just breaking down the grains we were already boiling to the point that they were so soft in fact what was the point of grinding them into flour anyways? Especially since right after we immediately just take that flour and make it a doughy consistency thanks again to water and for what? To make a technically stomach sickening substance that can only be fixed via the application of a controlled heat in the preferred form of cooking it in a container that can contain the heat in air form indirectly from the coals allowing this said substance to rise with the sake of naturally occurring bacteria that we GOT LUCKY again just to literally create what is considered sourdough that everyone once kind of just made because it was necessary to life but once the invention of the milling process became more mainstream enough someone was able to make far more processed and less nutritious bread far more cheaper rendering more nutritious and energy dense breads null and expensive becoming a much more niche idea that now we treat once again as the holy grail of human nutrients.
Dude bread is f**king weird