You are right, I watched the madness grow. When I left the military, I still wanted to serve others, I gave away food, helped fix things, generally whatever someone asked. I worked through the covid plandemic just to be fired after everyone else came back to work because I didn't take the clot shot. I used all the extra overtime pay to start my own gig, so I got the last laugh, but I learned that loyalty was a one-sided thing.
Now the left has taught be not to help anyone not on my side, trust no outsiders and the fate of the left is theirs to bare. I am finished helping them. I no longer tolerate their madness, I don't play the we need evidence but only from someone on our side games. I don't have alt accounts to get around bans; to agree with myself or insult them, I just limit my interactions to people that have actual opinions and not taking points.
One of my regular dim trolls asked me only mockingly if I would pray for them and I said no, you picked hell, enjoy the ride. We as believers can't save them, we can just warn them, so I make memes and let their hate bounce off. Another troll outed me as an Alabama cop, the idiot didn't believe me when I told them that wasn't me, but I did encourage him to go find an Alabama cop to throw hands with because I knew who would win that fight and it wouldn't be no woke imgflip troll. All we can do is fight their lies, expose their games and watch as their world burns.