So, the other day, I was having a conversation when I am notified that someone has posted something inappropriate in one of my streams. The post has been removed now, but I had a pretty heated argument with the OP.
It was a porn post, so obviously I had to step in (don't ask me who approved the image in the first place). See, I was having an argument with someone else moments before, and they just so happened to moderate the same stream. So, the porn post goes up, they take it down, then they blame me, saying I made the post. I go on a sleuthing quest, and find the culprit. So, I point out the false accusation that was made because of their actions. Then, they start an all-caps tantrum of "IDC" and "CRY ABOUT IT." It was heated as hell. And all I did was bring to light simple cause-and-effect.