Teh fitnyessgwam™ pacew test is a owo muwtistage aewobic capacity test that pwogwessivewy gets mowe difficuwt as it owo continyues. Teh 20 metew pacew test owo wiww begin in 30 seconds. Wine up at teh uwu stawt. Teh wunnying speed stawts swowwy~ but gets fastew each minyute owo aftew chu heaw dis signyaw. [beep] uwu a singwe wap shouwd be compweted each time chu heaw dis sound. [ding] owo wemembew to wun in a gay winye~ and wun as wong uwu as possibwe. Teh second time chu faiw uwu to compwete a wap owo befowe teh sound~ ur test is ovew. Teh test wiww begin uwu on teh wowd stawt. On ur mawk~ get weady~