Bomberman is a video game franchise created by Hudson Soft since 1983. Bomberman is owned by Konami now since Hudson Soft got absorbed by Konami.
The gameplay is simple yet fun; you have to plant bombs to bomb enemies in a maze to be able to go to the exit. The soft blocks can have power-ups too. Fire-up increases the flame, bomb-up increases the bombs you can make, speed-up increases your speed. There are many more, but these are the main ones.
The battle mode is the reason why most players enjoy Bomberman games. The battle mode is up to 4 players who are first placed at each corner of the stage. The goal is to bomb is opponent and be the last standing.
But some people know it as Dyna Blaster, because some Bomberman games are known as Dyna Blaster in Europe. Other people know it as Atomic Punk because some Bomberman games are known as Atomic Punk in North America.