Respond to the Multiverse adherent something like: 'So, whats more scientifically probable to create intelligent infinite amount of unintelligent universes OR an infinitely intelligent God?
See, the Multiverse is a pseudo-scientific copout, since each one of those individual universes are faced with the exact same astronomical and impossible odds against producing life—regardless of how many there are.
Atheists would then have to say 'Well, of course it could happen, cuz we are here, right?'
That the precisely same argument they condemn Christians for when we say 'Of course God created us, because we are here, right?'
And these atheists claim to be 'scientific'? No, all they are is religious anti-Christians..
Has anyone ever observed, or measured an alternate, unintelligent universe, or anything unintelligent producing life at all?
Then its not science, its wishful thinking.