Soviet America has invaded Mexico after claiming that Mexico will join NATO. The president, Osama Bin Laden, claims that NATO is ganging up on his country and he will not stop until he has taken over all NATO countries. Mexico’s president, Melanie Martinez, says that Mexico will not go down without a fight. The USR (United States of Russia) have donated infinity billion dollars worth of weapons to Mexico. Their president, Hasbulla, claims it’s worth every penny. He says that “Bin Laden will not stop at Mexico. He will continue to take over every country in the world.” Australia claims to be neutral, however has clearly sided with Soviet America. Their leader, Steve Irwin, has sent a spy chair to spy on the USR. Hasbulla claims to have shot it down. Hasbulla claims that “Chairs are evil. Do not trust a chair. Do not sit in a chair. Don’t even look at a chair.” Hasbulla claims that Australia has plans to take over south-east Asia. This seems to be true after many chairs have been spotted in that region. Iraq has invaded Egypt after terrorists invaded Egypt, claiming it’s to draw the terrorists out. Iraq recently attacked a pedophilia centre with ballistic missiles. Egypt and many other nations agree that’s this is too far. Meanwhile, another chair has shown up in the Taiwan strait. Along with a second chair in the USR. Will Australia declare war on China? It is highly likely that this is the case. However China’s prime minister, Naruto, has visited Australia in an attempt to repair relations.