Also there should be a limit on how many older memes new stream owners & mods can unfeature, or a limit on how far back they can go. Why risk losing the vision of the one who created the stream and those who had posted in it?
When Vaga was granted control of the original KylieMinogue stream early in 2021, there was no intent to remove what was already there, despite KylieFan_89's concerns.However, Vag was not above taking a step or three away from how it was originally designed to be, thus warranting KF's worries. (Not that Vag was gonna go trash it. much)
It's too tempting when taking over to 'customize' in accordance to one's own whims, so there should be some constraints.
On the other hand, when I, Modda, became VP of IP, I unfeatured a bunch of CreativeKid's memes that featured offensive racist (mainly anti-Semitic) caricatures. So they had to go, a no one else was acting on them.
btw, after a handful which I had to flag first, my ability to flag on that stream apparently was nixed. Permanently. How (or why) is that?