Yes the sacrament of reconciliation is like baptism in that it cleanses the soul of sins, however you an only be baptized once. Reconciliation/Confession is for forgiveness of sins on a regular basis.
Well yes, but repenting is just the first part. Repentance is being sorry for your sins. Reconciliation is the sacrament where you actually go and tell the priest who is being "In Persona Christi" (In the person of Christ) you are sorry for your sins and what sins exactly. Once the priest declares it then your sins are officially forgiven. Makes me pretty happy walking out of Confession and having my sins forgiven 😁😁😁
no, you got repenting wrong, repenting is being sorry for your sins AND then turning away from them. You have to give this the full definition otherwise people will be "repenting" all the time and not really be repenting.
No, ur good. Plus ur right. However I always understood being sorry for sins and turning away from them as so closely connected that it was needless to specify