Its annoying in the US because EVERY SINGLE LITTLE KID IS SPOILED when i go to Walmart i hear crying and crying and CRYING WA WA WA like deal with it you can get it when you have the money
I do know a few entitled little shits, but I am not one myself. Yes, I am American, thanks for asking. Every single one of those little idiots don’t do well in school, or life in general, but It’S Ok BeCaUsE tHeY’rE a SpEcIaL liTTlE sNoWfLaKe
Literally their catchphrase is “My KiD cAn’T dO aNyThInG tO hUrT aNyOnE, hE’s A sPeCiAl LiTtLe SnOwFlAkE wHo’S mIsUnDeRsToOd” while their kid is literally robbing a bank
Or murdering dozens of people and their parent goes "It's ok, they were agnostic or something" like NO, THIS IS NOT OK.
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FR THOUGH. And they could literally NUKE A COUNTRY and the parents would be like "my little angel wouldn't do that" like YES HE DID DAMMIT. People are dumb
Overprotective parents are the absolute worst. The kid could ram a bullet train full of nuclear material into the Chernobyl site and the parents would say “He’S AdHd So It’S oK mY sPeCiAl LiTtLe SnOwFlAkE cOuLdN’T hUrT a FLy”
My man, I am gen z and male and I do dishes, do outdoor chores, clean my room, do schoolwork, help my mom cook, and still get 4 hours of free time to mess around with my online friends.
You really do not need to work hard in life to survive. Problem is that instead of schools teaching you how to manage your finances in such a way where you don’t have to work hard at all, the government forces them to teach you useless trivial information.