Nolan: Ugh... my head. -Swims over and picks up Emily heals with current and shakes her awake- Hey, you didn't get water in you right? Cause I don't know CPR...
Colt: >:(
Colt: Awwwww, Azzy! I'm not really related but distant cousin, being eevee.
-hug and headpats-
Y___: -Also hug-
Nolan: Hopefully you two can take care of him, Alex has a kid you can ask him for tips.
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Max" ok thanks "
Azul" c-cant breath "
Emily" THE CHILD - slaps colt and y - ARE YOU OK "
Azul" t-thanks "
Nolan: Boy... Do I know that.
I actually game from a rich background. My parents aren't around anymore, but you should see my house, I have my old roommate to thank for it, haha.
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Gold" =3 "
Max" wow this car gets more fancy every time i visit "
Emily" =3 "
Azul" :3 "
Alex" - Blep - "
Nolan: Yeah, he's Alex and Max's though, or atleast Alex's. I know I wouldn't be able to leave my starfruit alone for 2 seconds even if I had to travel to another region.
Colt: Why infront of everyone?!
Y___: -blep-
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Gold" =3 "
Max" Z z Z "
Alex" Z z Z "
Eclipse" Z z Z "
Nolan: All that fluff seems like it would make you buoyant I suppose, heheh.
Y___: Where's brother?
Colt: -Appears behind Kat- KOCCHI WO MIRO! -Electric paws charging-
Colt: Ugh, me too... I'd still eat more though! =3
Y___: Oki! -jumps off chair-
Nolan: -standing up- Thanks Gold, Colt would probably do well to learn cooking from you.
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Max" do you want to be my child? "
" Sure... where are you? "
Max" ...Are you blind? "
" y-yeah "
Colt: is easy, Frost showed me how its done.
-Colt stands up and instantly appears in front of eevee again-
Colt: Hey! wanna be my lil bro!? My sis needs one!
Y___: pssh, you already act enough like a child Colt.
Y: Aww that's cute, I be with a little adventure gang of my own, we had a pikachu with us, and now I live with this big guy. -pokes colt- I'm surprised I never got a tolerance to electricity.
Nolan: -Put's colt on his shoulders-
Colt: -sleep purr-
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Azul" i dont know where he went tho... maybe alola? :3 "
Nolan: no really, the hat is cute, looks well made, like my starfruit's jacket.
The starfruit in question: -laying on bro's tail- Soft ^^
Y___: I meant his fur was bright, it's almost like gold!
Nice to meet you, what's your name?
Colt: champion chips? Mmmm...
Y: ChampionSHIP bro.
Colt: aww. Wait you mean fighting?!
Nolan: Sounds entertaining, who do you think would win if max had to battle his brother?
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Gold" it would be him "
Emily" not against me tho "
Azul" :P "
Nolan: Thats what I'd guess, he's a water type, but you did just show an electric move, I don't really know what you can do. Do many of Alex's relatives have abilities like that?
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Max" i... dont know "
Alex" - uses teleport to get out of hole - "
Azul" :3 "
Colt: -Gets down and holds Y___ close- I'm rooming with my sister. >:3
Y: Guess i'll room with him.
Nolan: I'll be separate, whatever room is closest to them.
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Gold" ok "
Emily" I want a BIG ROOM "
Max" >=3 "
Azul" I get a room with daddy "
Max" awwww "
Alex" I get the attic "
Amber" Do i not exist now? "
Eclipse" Z z Z "
Kat" Me and eclipse are sharing a room "
Nolan: -wake up on the plane- NO! Your not getting me on a flying deathtrap!
You'll have to drag me kicking and screee... -looks out the window- Dangit. -_-
Y___: As long as my brother is a sleep nothing bad should happen.
Colt: -snooze in Nolan's lap-
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- 5 minuts later -
Azul" we are? "
Y___: You like battling? You should probably ask my brother about that, he's really powerful, not the brightest though.
Colt: Shake my paw! -holds out paw-