To circle the circles you first have to square the circle and circle the circle but it's not enough square in the square so circle the square but circles cant square squares so squares circle the squares and circles cant square with squares only circles can do that so instead squares make squares with circles and you cant circle the square with squares so instead use a square but it doesn’t work so try circles on circles with squares on the circles with the squares but it’s not enough so use the circles to circle the circles but it doesn’t work so square the circle but you did it wrong so square the square but you have to circle the square to circle circles but that's only step 1 so for step 2 circle the squares with squares and circles with circles so square the circle with circles and square but that's only the beginning of step 2 to even begin to circle circles you first have to learn how to square squares first circle the circles with squares in order to square the circle so you can square with squares but the circles wont let you so try to circle with squares and see what happens but it doesnt work so try to square with circles to help square the circle squares but its not enough so circle the squares with squares and squares with the circles so you can square the circles with circles but squares dont circle circles only circles can do that so instead try squaring the circles with squares but circles can only circle circles with circles but squares circle circles with circles and squares also square circles with squares but circles so that turns circles into squares but its not enough squares so use circles with circles but squares dont like that so use more circles to square the circle but its not enough try to square in the circle to square the squares and thats how you square squares but now you need to circle the squares in order to circle the circles so to circle the squares first circle in the square to put the circle on the circle to square it so square the square again but it's not enough so try to square it until it circles so that you can circle the square but it turns circles into squares so use that to square the squares until they circle squares but it's not enough keep squaring the circles until they circle circles there now you should be able to circle the circles but wait that's not all so square the circles again but this time circle them until they square circles but its still not enough so keep circling until they are squaring squar