Except he can't. His reason for attacking Ukraine is to take the land back and recreate the Soviet Union. Try doing that with a nuclear wasteland that has nothing left of what you wanted.
Yeah, and no need to get mad. https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=Search_PPC_c&utm_term=free+therapy_e&utm_content=1233652204290952&network=o&placement=&target=&matchtype=e&utm_campaign=282748449&ad_type=text&adposition=&msclkid=39c5dbb985f31d289fbcb93e4b9179c3¬_found=1&gor=start Here, for you if you get more mad.
no i havent. biden hasnt been banned from twitter, but trump has. Biden hasn't called vetrans retards. Trump has. Biden didnt legalize hunting hibernating bears, trump did. if you think TRUMP is smart, your f**king stupid
What a joke.
Trump did not call Veterans (and I am one) retards.
Trump did not legalize anything. Only the legislature can legalize anything.
I never said Trump was smart.