Adding more pressure on employers to raise wages, consumer prices rose 7.9 percent year over year in February, another four-decade high, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported on March 10, 2022.
The latest figures show that inflation continues to grow. The consumer price index (CPI) had risen 7.5 percent in January from a year earlier and was up 7.0 percent in December 2021 year over year.
Real (inflation adjusted) average hourly earnings fell 2.6 percent, seasonally adjusted, from February 2021 to February 2022, BLS also reported on March 10.
The Producer Price Index (PPI) hit double digits, rising 10 percent for the 12 months ended in February, up from a 9.7 percent year-over-year increase in January. The PPI is a key leading indicator for the prices that consumers eventually pay.
I'm experiencing this first-hand in my personal finances and have seen it over the years. Good cuts of beef and fresh fish I used to buy years ago have been replaced by chicken breast and hamburger, and 'assorted pork chops' 5 days a week. 10lb sacks of chicken leg quarters used to be 0.49 a pound, now are 0.89 a pound, for garbage. No beef under $5 a pound is fit for human consumption. Good steaks and prime rib are about $15 a pound and I thought they were a rip-off at $9 a pound. I'm eating more canned beans than I ever have in my entire adult life. The price of hamburger where I live has doubled from the same time last year. A dozen large eggs used to be 79 cents, are now $1.89 or more. 89 octane gas has gone up past $1 a gallon since Biden was elected. So what, you say? My salary hasn't gone up that much, and I commute to work. I don't buy fast food, soft drinks, or convenience foods like those microwave 1 serving muffin garbage thingies. Whatever you want to call it, it sucks. Taxes, go up. insurance, always goes up and covers less. Electricity, up. I don't know how they calculate the so-called 'inflation index' but someone is cooking some numbers to make it look better than it really is for the average person.