Diets can have many reasons. Now vegetarians mostly chose their diet by personal convictions, but there are also medical reasons to have a diet. Yes, even vegetarian diets. I know a man who is not against killing animals for food, but still he simply may not eat meat due to medical reasons, so basically he was forced to become a vegetarian. As far as I understood it he's merely allergic to some substances that are most of all found in meat (not only meat, but mostly in meat). I also know a woman who simply doesn't like the taste of meat, so she mostly doesn't eat it.... It's not out of vegetarian convictions or anything, just a matter of taste. Of course, there are also people who eat vegetarian food only out of religious reasons.
Of course, your nick suggests you have a diet out of personal conviction, like not wanting to kill animals for food, but when you say "any diet", then health issues or mostly the reason to go for that. Getting too fat, or too thin, weak heart that kind of stuff. I'd say to always follow a doctor's advice when going in these kinds of diets. You can otherwise easily miss nutrients you still need. Technically that goes for any kind of diet. If you want to follow a certain kind of diet, who am I to criticize it... All I'd advice is to separate since from nonsense and to contact experts if you are in doubt. Now I must say, food experts change their facts more often than the weather changes. What is considered healthy today can be considered devastating for your health tomorrow, so I am always a bit skeptic... Yet when it comes to following a diet in general and you want to make sure you still get all nutrients you need, then consulting them, can basically still be a safer path to follow, in stead of people spreading their "diet" formulas on the internet. Of course, this is advice... It's your health, your choice.
Food that does no damage to your health at all, doesn't exist. However moderation is the key to everything, which also counts for food. All kinds of food can be bad and all kinds of food can be good. People can have many reasons to follow a diet. When I speak for myself. My gallbladder was removed last year. I can technically still eat everything, but I must be aware that when I eat too much fat one day, I try to compensate that another day. That is what doctors advised me, at least. I've also once been advice to eat tons of potato chips due to the high level of salt in them when my blood pressure was too low.