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3,205 views 25 upvotes Made by AndrewFinlayson 4 years ago in fun
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3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
It’s been like, over a week. Why is PenelopeStrunk still not terminated?
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
They haven't been active recently. Celebration?
3 ups, 4y
maybe, idfk
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Let's take a moment To remember jasonholland | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
I like long goodbyes?
2 ups, 4y
Yeah, where’s jasonholland when you need him...
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
who was jasonholland?
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I can’t quite recall, but I believe he was just a f**king jerk to everyone...
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
i will search him up
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
He’s been terminated.
1 up, 4y
3 ups, 4y
2 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Hey Andrew. There is a user that whenever I am talking to somebody he'll always stalk the convo and try to ruin my friendships with people. Is there anything you can do about that? if so cold you please get back to me soon. Thanks.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
take a guess.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
2 ups, 4y
2 ups, 4y
I suggest you read the Imgflip Privacy Policy

Imgflip is a public image website. No matter what image page on Imgflip you are commenting and replying on, it's considered public.

If you make an image and don't submit it, or submit it to an *unlisted* stream, comments and replies there won't be visible on user profiles. Read up on that here: If I use an image page that way, I'm careful about who I give the link to and how I give it out.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
wdym ruin friendships with people?
2 ups, 4y
how did you know that I commented dude?
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
what so funny about an 11 butting into somebody's private conversations
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Why do you always have to mention my age? It’s irrelevant to the conversation
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
1 up, 4y
It is
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
You don’t have to talk about my age All. The. Time.
1 up, 4y,
3 replies
ok you know what fine, my bad. I'll stop bringing up your age if you stop listening to ever convo I have ever had with anyone. ok
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
*every not ever sry
1 up, 4y
1 up, 4y
If you do it at the right time you’ll be fine
0 ups, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y
yes or no. Those are the only answers.
0 ups, 4y
pick ONE
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Alright ima get off for a bit. Talk while u can
0 ups, 4y
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I’m using my phone rn so I’m very limited on stalking
0 ups, 4y
just stop. I use the same settings as you and you don't see me come to the meme to get a piece of them
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
1 up, 4y
I'm sure it was related what you said.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
How do you do this?👇🏻

2 ups, 4y,
4 replies
I used a LingoJam translator
2 ups, 4y
Thanks, i was wondering how to do that
2 ups, 4y
1 up, 4y
This is awesome! Thanks!
1 up, 4y
I like lingojam, I made a meme man translator
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Andrew, you're a mod right, cause I need your help, badly.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I knew her way before you did. About a month ago she had a different account. Maybe even longer. But that ain't important.
2 ups, 4y
1 up, 4y,
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OK, what's up?
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
There is a user named malon
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
2 ups, 4y,
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I think I made her commit. Probably sounds stupid but I just can't live with taking the lie of another human being
1 up, 4y,
3 replies
I don't think you "made her commit".
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Andrew. I'm scared. one of the streams she follows is the suicide_hotline
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I follow suicide_hotline and am I suicidal? You need to stop being delusional. She didn't kill herself. Just stop!
2 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Ok. I'm just.... I wouldn't have ever even thought that I of all people could have possibly make somebody kill themselves.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Ok. Now just relax.You barely even know her
2 ups, 4y
I knew a LOT about her.
2 ups, 4y
But stuff she didin't want out ther
0 ups, 4y
Ok I might have been a bit of a jerk.. I understand why you worry about her. Why do I always have to be a jerk to everyone? I do this all the time, without thinking
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
I was a huge jerk to you.. it’s just anxiety, I’ve had the same feeling yet I Insult you for it... idk why I do this. First it was with malon, insulting her. Now it’s with you, insulting you for doing practically nothing wrong.
0 ups, 4y
Please don't tell me your joking. I don't want to have fights with you.
0 ups, 4y
Thank you for realizing that. Now are you gonna stop stalking our conversations. I promise, if they involve you, we will tell you after.
2 ups, 4y
2 ups, 4y
when was she last online
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
How can you explain her replying to my comments/images then?
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
who are you
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
0 ups, 4y
Yeah but what did you mean by "How can you explain her replying to my comments/images then?"
0 ups, 4y
oh wait I get it.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
that was two weeks ago man
0 ups, 4y
I see..
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I was talking to her and she said I f ing hate myself and I haven't heard since
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Maybe she's on a date now and not looking at her phone.
2 ups, 4y
Yeah I asked her "bf" and he didnt respond so maybe. but I don't think they both live in Chicago
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