😅 No, really. Most people start out by accepting people being lgbtq+ before searching their own feelings and finding out that being cis-het is just not what they are. 🙈 That's my journey at least. When I was first beginning to be interested in sex I just never thought I was different, because I did and still do like girls. But I always accepted homosexuals and bisexuals and whatever else might be there because that was all I knew at the time. Only gradually did I come to realize that I would not be opposed to dating a boy... And the more I thought about it the more I realized it had always been there really. So I identified as bi, because I thought that's all there is. And then I became actually invested in all this lgbt-stuff and learned so many new things and now I know that pan fits me a lot better than bi. 🤷 Once you're in you keep going down the rabbithole. 😅