I really wish I had an answer for that DESPICABLE problem! Some of those men have actually begged authorities to castrate them because they simply CANNOT control their sick behavior!
What about "progressive, inclusive, gender nonconforming" parents if they start taking up for "minor attracted persons" and demand that "P" be added to LGBTQ and that the age of consent be lowered for the "benefit" of their friends and their children?
It wasn't a statement. I'm just thinking about the inevitable. The "gay rights movement" gained momentum and succeeded with "desensitization, jamming, and conversion" as outlined in the book,After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's.
People are beginning to do the same thing for "minor attracted persons" AKA pedophiles. People have been calling it "an unalterable sexual orientation." I've read at least one user on imgflip refer to it as such. The progressive, inclusive, gender nonconforming crowd are sure to embrace them if the an upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders changes it's classification. I heard a Ted Talk speaker give a talk on why it should be changed and accepted.
Now pedophilia is a mental disorder. However, it shouldn't be placed in the LGBTQ
acronym or compared to transgenderism and homosexuality because pedophilia usually results in **pe without consent, whereas the other letters are more often with consent than not. Lastly, those articles don't prove that anyone wants to add "P" for "pedosexual" to the acronym.
EDIT: The article I posted shows archived 4chan posts featuring the Pedosexual poster, which came from the 4chan boards /b/ and /pol/, notably the most either trolly or cancerous boards of 4chan to get information.
"NOW it is a mental disorder," is the key. What happens when the DSM VI or VII changes its classification to a "dysphoria" (dysphoric because they know they will never be able to be in a committed, loving relationship or some such thing) and parents start saying to legislators and judges that age of consent should be lowered so their children can further "explore their sexuality" and these people who have this "unalterable sexual orientation" won't be labeled criminals?
There are only two barriers in place: the DMS classification and the age of consent laws.
We should bring this conversation out into the open right now about whether that could ever be morally acceptable before we start seeing this:
Reading this and thinking, hmm.... who wants P added to the acronym? You, or some non-binary parents who **ahem** very clearly represent the LGBTQ as a whole?
This is what is going on with the "pedophile agenda." If you don't want to hear any commentary from the producer of the video skip to 06:33.
Do a FB search for "minor attracted person" and look at the images. There are many screenshots this like this. Plenty of people want to add 'p' to the acronym. I've seen a lot of post by LGBTQ people saying, "MAPs are not part of or welcome in our community." I hope you believe the same thing.
Watched the video, read the description.
"The same tactics used to successfully push the gay marriage agenda are now being used to push paedophilia. We can't let that happen."
With a description like that, I hardly see a narrative at all.
All I see are trolls pushing an agenda against the LGBTQ. My question is why you're taking it seriously and thinking that LGBTQ individuals are trying to legitimize pedophilia.
Yeah, it's all "trolls" these people don't really exist. There are no "MAPS" out there with their own groups and pages and sites desiring to use the social progress made by the LGBTQ community to become more acceptable to society.
I have never once said, "LGBTQ people are trying to legitimizes pedophilia." I have asked repeated, "What if the DMS changes the classification from mental disorder to a dysphoria?" You wouldn't answer.
I asked, "What if LGBTQ parents who "let their child choose their gender" request that the age of sexual consent be lowered?" You wouldn't answer.
It is not my community that these people want to be embraced by.
If the LGBtQ community believes that it's just a lot of trolls trying to defame their community and there is no real threat by these "MAPS" and the LGBTQ community stays silent, their silence and/or refusal to answer questions or address the issue will be taking by many people as implicit, tacit approval of these "MAPS" and *their* attempts to align *themselves* with said community.
Well, if those "MAPS" are seriously trying to seek embracement, then good luck to them because, again, I doubt any LGBTQ individuals would take them seriously.
~I have never once said, "LGBTQ people are trying to legitimizes pedophilia." I have asked repeated, "What if the DMS changes the classification from mental disorder to a dysphoria?" You wouldn't answer.~
Ok. I may have picked up a miscommunication. If they change it to a dysphoria, I doubt many sane LGBTQ individuals would endorse it. Same with parents who want the age of consent to be lowered.
In my Googling, I have seen quite a few individuals of the LGBTQ community not stay silent about this MAP hoax.
I have read some lgbtq people say MAPs are real but they are not welcome in their community. You are the first one to say "it's a hoax" period, full stop. If that is what you are saying.
Are you saying it is totally fabricated, a hoax, a conspiracy that no one need worry about?
I think they will be just as guilty as the actual pedos.
These types of parents will take over the "grooming" process pedos use to prepare their victims for abuse. These parents will tell their children, "It is OK if this adult is in love with you, you can love them back if you want because it is natural."