This one move will get the entire golf swing on auto pilot ...keep shoulders torqued ...simply open the hips to 30° ...yeah, the shoulders and arms will move but only 'cos they are attached to the torso muscular effort causes their movement (until after 1/2 way down)
in the DS, the right elbow extends while the wrist cock is held half way down (above), you employ the underhand throwing technique whereby you sling the clubhead thru impact
go with a "flash" pressure shift to the right side of the ball of left foot in the move above ....and immediately thereafter shift to the left heel in the approach to impact.
The golf swing is a learned process where the brain figures out the exact amount of hip turn that allows the swing plane to bottom out just in front of ball (target-side)
The hip turn along with the "bump left" weight shift gets the shaft leaning fwd at impact (which facilitates CF contact on the 5th groove) ....the shaft's fwd lean is not caused by a fwd press with the hands