Actually, it was something I found archived from several years ago. I could do it, using Animation Shop 3 that I have on my computer (I did one like that a few weeks ago)
There are a few methods to do this. One is to take the gif, extract each frame, load them into Paint Shop Pro, and put them in order into a PSP file. Next, enlarge the canvas to the size I want the gif to be. Add additional art where the canvas is blank, save it as a psp file, and then run it through the Animation Shop gif program with all frames the same size (the first one with the artwork) and have the non-animation art work repeat on every page. Not the easiest way, but one that would allow me more control over the final product. I'd have to do some major digging to find others similar in style to this that I've done in the past. It's a hobby I've played with since the start of the century.