Your GIF was so on target. Don't even get the comment farmers from most of the kids.
The comment meme was one posted a while ago. Top was the featured meme, bottom, my reply. Kids acount was three days old. I got a lot of replies, and upvotes, from my reply. Kid got squat. He never commented or replied.
I'm usually pretty blunt, but if you see my comments, I'm never far off. If someone is angry enough to ask what they need to do to follow my instructions, I surprise them and give detailed instructions. Weeds out the dead wood. One guy I offended followed my instructions and ended up on page one. Others, once they see what I'm doing, actually have asked how they're doing. But few kids have the maturity to listen to experience. They're right and that's that. But now they just lost crappy memes instead of begging for upvotes. I'm working on a stream right now to try and explain what you do to get noticed. That includes comment farming, making memes for a larger audience, and working towards entertainment.
One new user just did a repost of a recent meme I did. Scream repost? Nah, kindly advised him I took it as a compliment. Just waiting, though. Someone will chew the user out for a repost.