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UlliamofValos (521160)
Joined 2022-12-19
Just a guy who minds his business, you should too. 31 more followers then I face reveal.
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Decided to revamp one of my old prompts and actually flesh the idea out. Buckle up, y'all are (hopefully) in for a wild ride. in Role_Play
0 ups, 5h
Golden Hero: Oh that's who you were talking about, sorry thought you were talking about the other guy
Untitled Image in Imgflip-bossfights
0 ups, 6h
Eager Beaver 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Decided to revamp one of my old prompts and actually flesh the idea out. Buckle up, y'all are (hopefully) in for a wild ride. in Role_Play
1 up, 6h
Golden Hero: i was fighting...he somehow matched my speed and...I then ended up here with a missing arm and a hole in my chest