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Darth_Memeus (1327190)
Joined 2021-01-24
'Memeus Dankus' - [current status: escaped the alsume] - CONTENT WARNING: BRAIN DAMAGE - [current mood: 🤡]
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Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 9h
Suuuuuure it isn't
Don't believe me... just look at what they call memes in politics3
2 ups, 18h
Find a happy, mentally stable, rational leftists is like finding dry water.
Don't believe me... just look at what they call memes in politics3
2 ups, 18h
Leftists seem to be in a constant state of rage and seething about whatever establishment opinion their supposed to get angry about currently.

I have never met a happy leftist. Have you?
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 20h
Womp womp, broke your own mug out of frustration.
Impotent rage.