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Tenderman1 (7939)
Joined 2022-11-19
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Education system of asia in fun
0 ups, 2w
They still can't meme in fun
0 ups, 7mo
I consider myself to be socially right-leaning and economically left-leaning.
They still can't meme in fun
0 ups, 7mo
That's not exclusively a leftist goal as one of the right-wing's goals is also to save America. The only difference is that both sides want to save America their own way. For the left, they want progress, diversity and political correctness while the right want tradition, homogeneity and free speech.
They still can't meme in fun
0 ups, 7mo
That's not what I meant. What I mean to say is, what are the goals that left-wingers are striving for?
They still can't meme in fun
0 ups, 7mo
May I ask what those goals are?