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Cooookie (93381)
Joined 2022-01-02
he/him/they | Top 0.01% of listeners last month of Twenty Øne Piløts | "pro" graphical designer
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Reminder that a homophobe gets their power from you, and some of them are chill if you have a sense of humor about yourself in LGBTQ
1 up, 3w
hmm, so everyone *is* pissed at me. noted. (aka: now you see me, now i leave (or some shit like that))
Untitled Image in LGBTQ
0 ups, 4w
New announcement template leaked?!??!???!!!!? in LGBTQ
0 ups, 4w
not like anyone would say anything on this comment but i didnt know how people whpild have such heavy opinions on sparkling water
New announcement template leaked?!??!???!!!!? in LGBTQ
0 ups, 4w
sparkeling water sucks ngl