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STA_BUM (27523)
Joined 2021-03-04
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Drake Hotline Bling in politics
0 ups, 2d
So, your response to his claim is "Nuh uh"... Yeah that totally checks out.
memorandum in the comments in politicsTOO
0 ups, 2d
Wow. Its actually real. Thanks for actually giving me concrete evidence and not calling me dumb If I say it might not be real unlike some people on this site
Hi in politics
0 ups, 3d
And what is Scotsman supposed to mean?
Hi in politics
0 ups, 3d
The Liberal Comedy show was dark humor. They don't actually mean that. I think you know what "kidding" means, Terrorism Is always bad. I don't agree with it, lots of dems don't agree with it. And If you want to make the argument that they do, then explain how January 6th was supported by Trump. He himself called it a day of love, even though multiple Police Officers Died that day.
Hi in politics
0 ups, 3d
Thats not the democratic party. Those are the people who are extremely far left who are committing acts of violence against people who just chose to buy a Tesla. I don't appreciate that, and the Democratic Party does not appreciate that either. We don't like those people