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Offended4OthersYtMan (17540)
Joined 2024-04-13
Previous username: NotUrMixdRaceAntiBlackMissile
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Pardon? in politics
0 ups, 3w
Cons ervative tears too sweet.
Taylor Swift is overrated in fun
0 ups, 3w
Such a liberal psyop she had 0 effect. Almost like people should realize by now everything the right/mainstream media tells them is complete and utter bullshit.
California is A Bug’s Life, and Newsom is Hopper. in politics
0 ups, 4w
They were told it was by the rich famous celebrities- sorry. Freethinker podcasters- that they're Supposed to listen to according to the internet/mainstream media. Unlike those libdem wokelite Hollywood mudderfygers lolz lulz jaja magamademe
MAGA NPC in politicsTOO
0 ups, 3mo
Libs the corporate prejudiced me di yuh. They get their news from the fair, nice, totally not corporate mi dee yah- Forbes YT channel.
they claimed the virus was a hoax for years in politics
0 ups, 3mo
Connedservatives have no thought but what AIPAC and Russobots put there.