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Godlover_Michal (20240)
Joined 2024-06-30
Previous username: Fascinated_Autist
I spread the Gospel and live for God.
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I'd like to ask Charles Darwin if God is a monkey... in fun
0 ups, 8h
Everyone but The Lord God is a sinner, so I am one myself, so after repentance, you should be at least flawless but not Perfect, as God is perfect. I would struggle with lust too.
I'd like to ask Charles Darwin if God is a monkey... in fun
0 ups, 8h
Have you seen my spreading the gospel meme and it's comments wich also need to be seen by many. It's not me who would save you, but Jesus.
I'd like to ask Charles Darwin if God is a monkey... in fun
0 ups, 8h
Not scientific for not natural but SUPERnatural.
I'd like to ask Charles Darwin if God is a monkey... in fun
0 ups, 8h
The Bible was written thanks to forty writers over 1500 years in three languages and yet, Scripture is logical and consistent enough for real life history to actually have such events, not all of wich are enough for full human comprehension.