Sweyn Forkbeard 1014 can't be bothered Template
Inspired by Lemmino's Year in review 2014 https://youtu.be/p93aReOXm70?si=Hdbhbrb8MQfoOh4R&t=218 It mentions that in 1014 everybody believed Sweyn Forkbeard died by a ghost. It then shows this painting of how people imagined what happened. The painting shows Sweyn "Chillaxing" on a bed and then a ghost pokes him in the "Tit" and Sweyn making a "I don't give a fuck" or "I can't be bothered" pose.
The meme is to convey that you can't be bothered at the moment or just whatever gets on your mind.
Template ID: 576186069
Format: png
Dimensions: 312x164 px
Filesize: 42 KB
Uploaded by
an Imgflip user
2 months ago
Featured Sweyn Forkbeard 1014 can't be bothered Memes