Hillary The Rodham Clinton. Seying-The-Eliminations To Her Crime Template
Hillary Ain't Getting The Credit She-Deserves.
Hillary Isn't Going Around Hurting People.
Hillary Only Does Things To "Members That Can Send-Her-To-Jail".
Hillary Ain't Hurting You.
Hillary Is Delicately Trying To Do "Their-Type Of Business" That We Call:
1) Corruption
2) Conflict-Of-Interest.
Don't Hate On Hillary For Her "Business-Dealings And Witness-Tampering".
That's "How They-Force-Her To Be" Since "She Got Removed From Politics".
If She Wasn't In Business, She Would Be Democr
Template ID: 403065770
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Dimensions: 682x1005 px
Filesize: 524 KB
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3 years ago