Emmanuel Macron 2,022 = W.W.III Template
also called: Emmanuel Macron, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, President Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Beavis & ButtHead Comparison, Say No To World War III, Stand For Peace
When A pair of desperate unpopular oligarchs & their bureaucratic colleagues start to experience an "Existential Crisis" to their way of life, they all start to commit irrational acts of *Authoritarianism* before distracting the people's hatred towards some one or some thing they can blame instead of accepting responsibility for their failures as leaders...we must stand for peace, just say no to world war! ?
Template ID: 384539360
Format: jpg
Dimensions: 652x770 px
Filesize: 133 KB
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an Imgflip user
3 years ago