Earth 3030 turns out covid-19 was a total reboot to the earth's Template
also called: Earth 3030 turns out covid-19 was a total reboot to the earth's evolution the human species went extinct when chimpanzees contracted the virus in 2020 it caused future generations to mutate into what was previously known as the cromagnon hominid
#Earth3030turnsoutcovidnineteenwasatotalreboottotheearthsevolutionthehumanspecieswentextinctwhen chimpanzeescontractedthevirusin2020itcausedfuturegenerationstomutateintowhatwaspreviouslyknownasthecromagnonhominid #thetruthaboutcovidnineteen #thetruthaboutcoronavirus #humanevolution #cromagnonhominid #earthreboot #meme #funny
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