Murderous Heavyarms Template
also called: Gatling Heavyarms, Breast Cannon Gundam
In 1995, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, also known as New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, was created, focusing on five teenage boys who pilot Gundams to fight against the Organization Of The Zodiac, also known as OZ. One of the main Gundams was the XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms, piloted by Triton Bloom, aka. Trowa Barton. It was armed with heavy weaponry, including Gatling Guns stored in the chest. This should be used in situations that the person in question is completely mad, used as parody, or used as threatening.
Template ID: 194128826
Format: jpg
Dimensions: 259x194 px
Filesize: 10 KB
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an Imgflip user
5 years ago
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