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It Smell Like Bitch In Here
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more like under new management
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GMM Hosts be all like
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like if you play
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What you think you look like
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More like hurricane toRtilLA
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Who the heck starts a conversation like that, I just sat down!
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Idiocracy - Like out the toilet
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Public Transportation Be Like
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it when it do
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Virgins be like
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fnaf security guard
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Ryan George with a broken arm
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Belly I don’t like that
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I Wonder What Goombas Taste Like?
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like the little old lady in the shoe w/lotsa' kids only barfier!
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Bender What do i look like a narc?
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Does this cloth smell like Chloroform?
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When someone tells me they don't like XYZ
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If you like X then you should try Y
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SpongeBob rock
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You are going to like it!
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Mordecai This sounds like a scam.
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This man looks nothing like The Jedi
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That just sounds like slavery with extra steps
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I Like Santa Kid
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When someone says they don't like peridot or lapis
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Bad Quality Pumpkin Jack
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Firestar doesn't like waffles
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How did you get like that
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Mulan you don't meet a girl like that every dynasty
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Like a kid in a candy store
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Geneva convention? More like Geneva Suggestion.
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Tanya Yes No
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It's not what it looks like..
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I don’t like this
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I Too Like to Live Dangerously
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Yeah, I'd like to solve the puzzle
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