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There is a frog in my pants
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When theres gonna be Butt hurt
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Napoleon meme
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Always two Yoda
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Hay! Look at that over there!
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Hang in there!
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It's there money
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Theresa May field
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Good lord what is happening in there
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Are there any other Squidwards I should know about?
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watchu got there
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There isn't anybody who has time for that!
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Hi there Alex
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gixiy theres a mek in ur tower
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there's need to get aggressive
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Two of them
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pity wish from genie
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COQINU there will be signs
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Sloth hang in there
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there's very little meat in these gym bags
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There is one imposter among us wearing hat
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Get Back in there, Tear!!!
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There's no one here named that
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be careful out there
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There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
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I'm starving
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Knock knock, whoos there
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Theresa May
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A picture of a scale with two trays. On one tray, there's a tiny
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Hey there
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Storage Wars
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Theresa May
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Why am I still there just feeling suffer Nazis
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There is 1 among us
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You're right, there are two sexes
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There, I am insane now
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