Ok listen dude. I didn't mean to offend that badly. I'm not going to hate you for being conservative or having a religion because every human being deserves a chance to either make the best out of what they beleive or change what they beleive. And I know I sounded like a hypocrite, and I'm sorry cause I didn't mean to. I just get very angry when it comes to religion because of what my parents and other people that have religion really rooted into their lives have done to me and other people. I also have a pretty negative view of conservatives because it is usually somewhat rooted in religion. And if you think about it, the constitution CLEARLY STATES that religion is by choise. Conservatives push ALOT of their thinking based out of religious beliefs often mainly Christian beleifs which is VERY unfair to non Christians, especially when the country was in fact NOT even founded by Christians. It's very hard sometimes not to be born and raised Christian in this world because you are automatically a minority and judged by that VERY harshly at times for it. That's why things like the whole "war on christmas" is in fact complete bullshit. That's so saddening to see Christians basically expact everyone to celebrate christmas and say it back as a nice gesture. Yah, non Christians appreciate the nice gesture sure, but wouldn't you be mad if people said "Happy HAIL SATAN Day"? Also, A LOT of push of anti civil rights movements, anti-gay rights, anti women rights, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, ignorance about Native Americans are all rooted in religion. And that's VERY sad. If god is so "all loving" and shit, why are people with religion so damn mean? And why instead of getting defensive and spewing insults (like I did but MUCH worse) don't most of them spread love and tolerance? For f**ks sake, it's actually proven that children that are raised religious are often meaner. I'll even give you that article if you want. And beleive me, I can say plenty more. Just gotta think it out.