It's pricey even used,... there is a model that has an exposed mag release to that you should avoid buying,... probably no may in stock anywhere. Very accurate pistol,.. a bit on the heavy side for the rds it holds,... but the barrel will never wear out on that gun! I have not priced magazines for one,... thats always a consideration for me. I like to have LOTS of mags,.. can't have enough! And the mags are always the 1st part of gun control to attack. When Clinton impsed the 10 rd limit,.. hi-cap Glock mags suddenly went from $15-20,...... to $100 plus. FBI recently went back to the 9mm,.. I am a fan of 9mm,... own several. For the price of a P7,... used,.. you could get 2 Glock 19s. . and have a potload of mags. Magpul now sells glock 9mm mags,.. they're the best,.. and at $12-$15,.. a great deal!