16 upvotes will probably get you to the third or fourth page of the Hot pages. Then it may get additional upvotes after that. There are a lot of different reasons why some memes get more upvotes than other memes. Often really good original memes don't do as well as knee-slapping reposts. In the end it is all about how many people upvote your meme. What can affect it? Timing as to when the meme features. If it features when less people are online, less people will see it. Topic/subject of the meme. If it is about something that not everyone is familiar with, some people won't understand it, so less upvotes. Third page is quite respectable. Funny or surprisingly funny? I found memes that have a surprise in it, an unexpected twist, turn the third/fourth pager into a front pager. Or it could be something simple, clever and refreshing. Never give up, front-page comes when you least expect it. In the meantime, have fun making memes and contributing to the community. Good comments on front-page memes can get you some good attention too.