http://steamcommunity.com/app/342200/discussions/0/458604254471580744/#p1 - we're on opposite sides of the fence here
http://steamcommunity.com/app/342200/discussions/0/458604254455804536/?tscn=1451711492#p2 - this was our strongest stance together, some random wanders in all MLG because he plays other games.
http://steamcommunity.com/app/342200/discussions/0/458604254459103222/?tscn=1451694982 - and here, unprompted, he shares my views of someone disconnecting from a game could just be accidental and that they may return
all in all, if you wanna see that foodfight meme played out in epic proportions, http://steamcommunity.com/app/342200/discussions/0/ the hot topics there get pretty special ^.^ . there's even a very regular cast of good and bad guys, you can pick your favourite hero and vote to win!
(actually, there's no voting there. maybe the trash would get sifted quicker that way)