If you are interested, here are a few technical ways you can alter the look of your final product, if you choose:
1. Prepare meme. You can choose from three fonts, or type faces, eight colors and can change the size of the text. You can modify the "weight" of the borders – I like '3' for most memes myself. You can change the location and size of the text boxes, and add more text boxes if you need them. You can also use your cursor to resize and relocate the text boxes.
2. "Generate" meme
3. Here you have ONE CHANCE to correct spelling (or other choices) by selecting "change settings" (This isn't even an option when 'Replying' so make sure Spellcheck hasn't turned "crap" into "cap" or "cape" when you aren't looking.)
4. Select "Go to image page"
5. Select "EDIT image"
6. Add humorous or explanatory TITLE, replacing or incorporating the meme template's title.
7. Add, if you wish, additional TAGS in the box where the meme's title appears, connecting meme to others with similar themes.
8. Persist, persevere, push on.
9. Remember: "We're all in this together" so commenting and voting bring you into the COMMUNITY.
10. Again, welcome.
A "Type face" is the style of the individual letters. Imgflip defaults to "Impact" style or face, and to ALL CAPITOL letters, even if you type upper and lower case. The other type faces are Arial (thinner, shorter) and "Comic Sans," thinner with a wiggle. Look for them in the block labled "Font." Just below there is the way to alter the size of the type, or font. This is a good option with some pics of smaller or larger than standard dimension. Experiment. But have fun! I don't work from a phone so I don't know if there are a lot of limitations, system-wise. But good luck and happy memeing.