Unfortunately, yes. There aren't enough facepalms in existence to express the lameness of TFA.
You guys have seen my reasons for why it sucks already. But when you see the film, you'll see even more. And one so damning that I feel like I didn't even have to make any anit-Disney memes at all.
The only things I liked were the Falcon shots. That was it. No one said anything funny or original. Luke is in maybe 5% if the film. Han...don't get me started on how much I hate Harrison Ford now.
The new Vader is a bitch. Finn was too skiddish. Rey was overacting. BB-8 is just a new Jar Jar. C3PO is barely in it like Luke. Maz is a let down. The puppets and creatures don't fit in SW to me. They just seem like a different franchise. A few were okay. Like one of the pilots.
Some of the ships were cool. But the TIE's were always an irk for me. I like the flat wing TIEs in ANH, but after that we should have seen more progression.
Snoke is ridiculously too much like a bad Marvel villain. Hux and Phasma were too predictable too.
It's like they thought they could copy ANH and things would be great again.
Sorry Disney, but you guys really f-ed up the franchise. I didn't expect it was this bad though. :{