did you find it funny as well...I like the star wars one myself far better but I just don't get how they decide what to feature and what they pass on...I see so many dupes it's silly
Turbanator is kind of funny. I liked it OK. I agree with you that the Star Wars one is better. I don't know what methods they use to decide. Pictures I upload myself seem to take longer to approve.
ok thanks i've only been here for a few months and I like to think I do quality over quantity I have been lucky enough to fit the front page 3 times so far so I don't feel totally out of the loop.
I liked a couple of your Star Wars ones. Apart from this one, I thought the one about "Come to the light side... we have wookies" was good, and the Leia Disney Princess one.
I also liked the black and white Spock sing-a-long one.