I don't mind commenting and "sharing ideas",.. i actually enjoy other perspectives and upvote good memes even when my opinion may differ.. or sometimes ask for clarification if I don't understand. But if the user I am commenting with, thinks so little of my opinion to not upvote.. it opens the doors for trolls to come behind the comments and downvote. It's not about points.. 10 points on 10 comments don't make any difference to me. Trolls do. There are jackal trolls out here dv comments to cause problems with users and take away some privileges.. i don't need that junk.. I'm here for fun. When I see that happening.. i delete my comments,... advice from another top user I heed. I enjoy your comments. . And upvote. It's not a contest.. it's the trolls. If you want to have a thought swap.. please do the same. Fair?